

污水处理 1

我们想邀请你来我校举办环保知识讲座,英译?我们想邀请你来我校举办环保知识讲座We'd like to invite you to come to our sch


我们想邀请你来我校举办环保知识讲座We'd like to invite you to come to our school to hold a lecture on environmental protection knowledge.我们想邀请你来我校举办环保知识讲座We'd like to invite you to come to our school to hold a lecture on environmental protection knowledge.


环境保护 environmental protection

提高环保意识 enhance the awareness of environmental protection

保持生态平衡 maintain ecological balance

生态系统 ecosystem

生态示范区 ecological demonstration region

生态农业 ecoagriculture

生态旅游 ecotourism

自然保护区 nature reserve

可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy

防风防沙林 windbreak and sand break

宜人的生活环境 pleasant environment

节能 save energy

减排 reduce greenhouse gas emissions

降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource consumption

环保产品 environment—friendly product

全球变暖 global warming

低碳经济 low carbon economy

清洁可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources

核能 nuclear energy

太阳能 solar energy

大功率电器 high-powered electrical appliance

二氧化碳 carbon dioxide

气候变化 climate change


比如:The Yangtze River is the longest river in China, which is prevented from being polluted. 这个一个关于环保方面的句子,我运用了定语从句来表达。


1. Environmental protection:环保

2. Protection of the environment:保护环境


3. Love for nature:热爱大自然

4. Save water:节约用水

5. Sort out:分类整理

6. Waste classification:垃圾分类

7. Wastewater treatment:污水处理

8. Publicize the knowledge of environmental protection:宣传环保知识

9. Save energy:节约能源

10. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle(3R):减少、重复使用、再循环

11. Green lifestyle:绿色生活方式

12. Environmental consciousness:环保意识

13. Carbon footprint:碳足迹

14. Ecological conservation:生态保护

15. Sustainable development:可持续发展

16. Greenhouse effect:温室效应

17. Deforestation:森林砍伐

18. Air pollution:空气污染

19. Water pollution:水污染
